Good job with the ears. Have you made any ATCs with anything about cats? I have been stuck doing ladies but I'm about to try something different. Cats would be fun. BE BLESSED
Anonymous said…
That is a good idea. What is an ATC by the way I have seen 'it' on other blogs.
Dearest Sioux, I've been thinking a lot about you...all the family turmoil and now your BP issues. I sincerely hope all is calm and settled. Your cats are getting better and better!! XOXO Lisa
Dear Sioux...These are such cute ears!! I have never known a cat yet though that didn't have selective hearing..They just do not pay attention for anything except the sound of an electric can opener!!!...Love Terry
I so like reading your posting Sioux
I've been thinking a lot about you...all the family turmoil and now your BP issues. I sincerely hope all is calm and settled. Your cats are getting better and better!!
I've been out of the blog loop the past few days so I've been catching up with the glitter sis's. I'm glad your blood pressure is going down.
I have never known a cat yet though that didn't have selective hearing..They just do not pay attention for anything except the sound of an electric can opener!!!...Love Terry