
I've got a couple of bugs today, so I'm staying close to home. This sketch is of our trees in the back yard...sans the bird feeders. It was a dull, gray day that has turned into a sunny day. We got same rain, thank God. We are still very much in a drought.

Oh, I am working on the Erath County, Texas, TXGenWeb page. When I have it up, I'll post the url. I have been a part of USGenWeb and WorldGenWeb since their inceptions in 1996...back in the text-based internet days.

Raf went today to begin training as a Lay Eucharistic Minister. He is already a Lay Reader. He will be reading when Bishop Iker comes on January 14.

Well, that's all for now. Hope everyone is having a great day!


gma said…
Enjoy your sketches...the chickadee is precious....the cat, well I recognize that view when my cat is mad at me LOL...and nice
tree drawing...
Sheila said…
Another lovely drawing Sioux...
I like the trees very much.
I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling good. Hopefully whatever it is will soon pass.
TJ said…
dull and spitting rain here...loved your sketch!!
Teri said…
lieLovely tree yet very stark-looking. Kudos to you for keeping your 'bugs' at home but hope they leave you alone.
Linda said…
The last few posts have all been just beautiful! Glad to hear that the surgery seems to have been a success! I didn't know you were a genealogist -- I'm the family archivist and it can be a lot of fun.
J C said…
I especially love your chickadee! But, you knew that! Your ATC's are in the mail, girl! Hope your bugs go away. Don't need you being buggy so soon after surgery!
KaiBlue said…
I sort of giggled at this one Sioux.. I went outside this morning to fill my feeder and the squirel was dragging it up into the big tree..

Guess im goign feeder shooping tommorrow..

your sketches are so sweet and simple.. just darling!!
Peace, Kai.
Werna Gail said…
This drawing of the trees is very peaceful to me, a lot of people do not like the bare coldness of winter but I view it as everything is resting, getting ready for spring. Praying you will be better soon.
Beautiful drawings! Thanks so much for stopping by. I've bookmarked your site to keep up on your artwork and writing. :)
Hope you're feeling better soon!
Lisa said…
Sorry to hear you aren't feeling too well. I like your sketch. When I read the first line and looked at the sketch, I was thinking..hmmm I don't see the bugs. hehe Then I read on.

Does this mean that Raf will be able to distribute communion? (distribute? I can't think of a better word..administer?) That's pretty neat.
Susie said…
Love your sketch! Hope you feel better..
It's so cold here!!
Mrs. Goodneedle said…
Feel better. I injured my back and when I decided to call the Dr. his office suggested I come in to be seen through the "walk in clinic"... no thanks, I don't want to get sicker sitting in a room full of flu! I'm better today and I hope you are too. I love the sketches and adore the Sparks paining of Poppies, it will look marvelous wherever you put it.
Gill said…
Kudos to Raf for the lay minister thing. The world needs more of those~!
Love the picture.
Hope you soon feel better Sioux~!
mrsnesbitt said…

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