Writing ~ Illustration Challenge

I am starting a story as a challenge to anyone who wants to participate. Read the story I have written and add to the story by going to the comment section. If comments have already been made (the story has been added upon already), read the comments and add the next part of the story. If you wish to submit an illustration for the story, please email Sioux with a gif or jpg of your illustration. This challenge begins today, December 14, 2006 and goes through January 6, 2007, at which time I will compile the story with illustrations on a separate website. OK? Here is the beginning of the story...oh, the story has no title, so please email me with a title you think is appropriate, and I will pick the one I like best:

The night was excruciatingly cold, and the youth had only a threadbare woolen shirt that had been his grandfather’s. He trudged along the icy lane praying it would lead him to the hamlet of Routh on the western moors of Yorkshire.

The youth’s name was Robin, and he had traveled for many hours. He was only twelve, but Robin was immensely wise for his years, and he was extremely commonsensical. He did not believe in anything he could not see, and he trusted no one.

Robin was an apprentice to John the Wood and had been learning the craft of cabinet making. But John had accused Robin of stealing food, and before the sheriff could be summoned, Robin had slipped away in the night.

Robin plodded slowly along the twisting, winding track when suddenly a bright light began glowing through the copse before him. Robin stopped and rubbed his exhausted eyes.


Susan said…
At first, it seemed that he must be dreaming, or that, somewhere along the path, he fallen ill and was delirious. He held up a hand to shield his eyes. As the light moved closer, he began to discern a form floating in its midst, and then he could tell that it was a female form.

Finally, the light began to dim and next to him fell the most interesting woman he had ever seen. To call her beautiful would have been an exaggeration, but she was certainly comely. Her clothing didn't resemble that of the women he knew. In fact, he was pretty sure that women weren't supposed to dress like men at all. He was young, but not too young to know right from wrong.
Anonymous said…
He rubbed his eyes once more, and looked at the woman again.

Though she appeared to be not much older than himself, he'd never seen anyone dressed quite like her before. Nor had he ever seen anyone suddenly appear from a glowing light.

Could the tales of the faerie realm, he'd heard from John of the Wood and the other tradesmen as they gathered around the fire in the evenings, really be true? He'd never given those tales any credence before; but he'd never seen anything till now to give him a reason to believe.

He wracked his brain to remember the half-heard tales. He remembered there were always warnings to never eat any food offered by faerie-folk - which was a pity. He hadn't eaten for hours now; he felt half-starved. He almost wished John of the Woods accusations had been true - at least he'd have a full belly now. Not feel tempted by the basket this strange woman was now holding out to him, as she beckoned him nearer.

The most delicious aromas seemed to be emanating from that basket...

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