Swearing in, Mineral Wells City Council

Tommy Blissitte, John Upham, and Mayor Mike Allen, Mineral Wells, Texas, newly sworn in city leaders.


Here are a couple of beautiful 360˚ photographs I found on the 'net. Hope you will enjoy them:

Sulpher Creek

Double Arch



Annie Jeffries said…
Hi Sioux,

Fantastic 360's.

Are you and Raf active in local politics?

Sue Seibert said…
Thanks, Annie.

We are to a very limited extent. Our church comes first, but we are members of the local Republican club and several civic groups, including the Chamber of Commerce. However, this election was important to us. The young man elected to the City Council we have known since he was a little boy. He was in Boy Scouts with our John. He is a fine man, and the fellow (our Ward councilman) was 82-years-old and had been on the council for 16 years. His theory was that of the ostrich!

The mayor is a friend, too, and he has done a great job for the town. We have a couple still that need to come off, but the Council is becoming younger. It needs to be. The young adults need to take over. It's their time. We have a very young school board, and they are doing a very good job!

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