Cactus Monday ~ Barrel Cactus

They have that name for a good reason, they are shaped like a barrel with long yellow spines. They are sometimes referred to as the compass plant because to prevent sunburn they grow south. This types of cactus also produce small suckers from the base of the plant. It produces flowers late in the year after most types of cactus have already flowered.
Hope all is well with you and yours, Sioux. ;o)
I just read your email and NO you haven't done anything to offend me!! Omigosh, Sue, I'm so glad you contacted me because it made me realize that you weren't on my Bloglines...I redid it a couple of months ago and must have missed re-adding you. With over 120 blogs I have on there, I just never noticed you weren't there! I'm soooo sorry!! Now you have me wondering if I missed anyone else! Sheesh! Turn 50 and the memory goes! lol xoxo
Like Lin said good to see you sketching.
Hope all goes well for your church.((hugs))