Another Spring Day, with wind
Spring has sprung.
The Grass has riz.
I wonder where da boidies is!
This was one of my father-in-law, Ralph Spurgeon Seibert Jr.'s, favorite sayings, trying to sound like the essence of New Jersey. Our boidier (birdies) "is" all over the place the place, and as I drew another study of the iris today (bottom of the post), I could hear those robins and blue jays, titmice and cardinals, but the wind, as is its want in Texas, is blowing a gale, so I didn't sit out for so long today. Raf tried to photograph the tulips in the front yard, but the sun had not reached them this morning, and the wind, as in the back yard ;>) , was also high!!
Below are the three studies of the iris. 1. pen and ink and watercolor; 2. pencil drawing with watercolor; 3. colored pencil. We much prefer #1. What about you?
I am loving making connections with all of you again. Thanks for reading the posts and responding. I'm going to have to think up a give-away soon!
Today in history:
Below are the three studies of the iris. 1. pen and ink and watercolor; 2. pencil drawing with watercolor; 3. colored pencil. We much prefer #1. What about you?
I am loving making connections with all of you again. Thanks for reading the posts and responding. I'm going to have to think up a give-away soon!
Today in history:
April 4, 636--Death of Saint Isidore of Seville (born 560), Spanish theologian, archbishop and writer. His most influential work is Etymologiae, an early encyclopaedia.

But I do know what you mean about being too busy, seems like we're always DOING, something!!!
Time to take back some of that time we expend on others and enrich our own life through doing something for US, creative, spiritual or emotional. Probably all 3 are tied together, anyway.
Thanks for commenting on my Blog ;)
I understand about busy and not blogging. Haven't been doing too much this year myself. Love your sketches :)