The Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth in the Province of the Southern Cone

I have been asked what happened at the 26th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth. I am not going to say a lot, but I have just read yet another blog vilifying our bishop, Jack Leon Iker, and that makes it so hard for me to love my enemies (the Devil at work, no doubt) when I hear such vile talk about such a godly man. I told his wife at convention that I would be tempted, if I were she, to slap people who lie about my husband in such a hateful way. Of course, she is a lady and a good Christian and prays for her enemies.

At any rate, our diocese, by about 80%, voted to leave The Episcopal Church of America (TEC), Province VII, and to align ourselves with the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone in South America. This is only a stop-gap, as we are presently forming an orthodox Anglican province in North America.

The primary reasons we did this were that TEC no longer believes that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation, and they no longer believe that the Bible contains all things necessary for salvation. We Orthodox Anglicans could no longer stay in communion with them, so we chose to remove ourselves, as did the dioceses of Quincy, San Joaquin, and Pittsburgh, along with many, many parishes and many, many individual parishoners.

Please pray for us as we endeavor to stay true to our Christian faith and to do God's will.

If you are interested in seeing how knee deep in secular humanism TEC is, check out this column.
Bishop Jack Leon Iker, Bishop of the Diocese of Fort Worth

The Geographical Diocese of Fort Worth Texas


Susan said…
Praise God for this stand!!! We must stay BIBLICALLY CORRECT rather than POLITICALLY CORRECT no matter what the cost. Unfortunately many today are not. We are in dire times, but our Lord is sure and our foundation is sure in Christ.
KaiBlue said…
Aloha sioux,
Im just stopping in to say hello, give you a hug and wish you a wonderful holiday season..
It is his :)
peace, Kai
Annie Jeffries said…
Hi Sioux. Thanks so much for the concise and to the point low down on the convention. You are all people of great courage. Love, Annie
Felisol said…
Dear Sioux Sue,
I hope you will come through this schism without great wounds, hatred or bitterness.
I agree that sometimes things can get so wrong off, that it is necessary to say stop.
I am not informed by your problems, just know it to be a general problem within all churches.
"Keep close to Him, and He will keep close to you," Paul said.
I thing that is a plain, but oh, so difficult advice.
From Felisol

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