Pear - compare
I would like your honest comments about which medium you think I should concentrate on, pen and ink with watercolor or colored pencil.
This was done with Prismacolor colored pencils on regular moleskine.
This one was done with pen and ink and colored with watercolor (which I don't really like as well as regular moleskine for this application).
Any suggestions you could give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!

Any suggestions you could give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!
The pen and watercolour seems to be fresher and more spontaneous. I get the feeling it was more fun to do.
The coloured pencil is rich and vibrant if also more heavy. It surely took longer to complete.
I think it comes down to what Karen said; which medium gives you more pleasure to use and which results do you like looking at. It could also depend on the subject you choose to draw and your decision how best to render the subject and what you want to say about it.
For example; with your pear as subject: did you want to convey a light summer fruit you enjoyed on the spur of the moment? OR did you want to convey a more serious study of it? It comes down to what you see and what you want to say.
fun to experiment!!
Will u be posting your mailart entry to the swap - would love to see