Jungle - Illustration Friday Challenge

Illustration Friday's Challenge this week is "JUNGLE". The song, "It's a Jungle Out There", the theme song for MONK, kept running around in my head. It was written by Randy Newman, and I tried to illustrate Monk's feeling of a jungle.


Robyn said…
I haven't done an IF for ages. You look as if you had fun with this one. It reminds me a little of Rouseau.
Weichuen You said…
This is a very gentle-looking jungle, but I like it!
carla said…
I like the various plants you've included...there's such a lyrical look to them, so it's fitting that you've also included lyrics :> This looks like a journal page in a moleskine...I like the background wash of color.
Anonymous said…
great fun - great composition.
Lin said…
arvindh said…
Great job! I am a Monk fan too!
Teri said…
Great job Sioux! I love that you used the leaf from your plant place in this sketch.
Powpourri said…
Very nice. This sketch reminds me of one of those old seed packets. Great line work! Brandi
Clare said…
your jungle sioux looks like a serene place to take a nap, i like it.
Unknown said…
Lovely interpretation of the theme!

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