My Ring
Raf and I met in the early summer of 1976. I had moved to Nashville to attend Scarritt College, majoring in Christian education. He had come to Nashville in a band...a most deadly musical thing to do. I was working three jobs, one of which was at the Upper Room Museum where tourists came to see a carving of the Last Supper. Raf was working as a tour guide for Gray Line Tours. We were both divorced, I with three daughters, and I believe the first thing we each said to the other was that we were divorced and never, ever wanted to marry again. We were married the next May 5. God placed us in from Texas, him from Ohio. We would never have met had it not been God's doing!
Anyway, when we married, we were as poor as church mice! So we opted for two gold bands and fore-went an engagement ring. Jewelry never has been particularly important to me, so it was no problem. However, in the past five years or so, I have sort of wanted an engagement ring. I spoke of it to our baby, Christi, and she told Raf. So for Christmas two years ago, he found this beautiful ring and gave it to me. As far as material possessions go, it is my favorite.
And that is my story, and I'm sticking to it! Thanks for asking, Dawn.
Oh, the avatar is Photoshopped, so it doesn't quite look like the real thing.
To everyone all over the world, have a blessed and safe Labor Day Weekend or whatever the weekend is for you, and watch next week as we fly off to Canada and on to Alaska. Before we leave I will be posting a contest for an Alaskan and a Canadian souvenir. And I will be posting photos and a travalogue on this blog via my iphone through Flickr.
Have a wonderful, safe trip. I look forward to your stories and pictures. I love to visit new places - even just vicariously.
Oh- and I'm a bit old fashioned too, but I can't help but be delighted with McCains's pick.
Hugs Sherrie
Again have a safe trip