Methodist Conference Officer

Here's a clipping I found when I became a youth director for the first time at age 18, in 1961. I had been conference officer for the Methodist Youth Fellowship in 1960. About this time I learned there was politics in the church...of all things. It made me sick, and still does today!

I actually didn't stay in Wharton long, for my father had been transfered to Denton, Texas. A minister friend, Jimmy Mobley, and I prayer long and hard, and I was directed by God to go to Denton rather than stay in Wharton. My father died that November in an automobile crash, and I was so blessed to have been with him for that extra time before he died.

I finally pursued a masters' of Christian Education, and worked in a local church for a time, but God had other plans for me and placed me in public education where I taught for over 20 years.


artbrat said…
Hi there. I just love reading about people following Gods plan instead of their own ideas. Why is it still so hard to listen when he rewards us so very often?

Hope your summer is going great. I am in envy of your iphone and its capabilites. I'd be playing with it constantly.
Donna Gotlib said…
Are you enjoying your Iphone?

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