Final Day...Homeward Bound

Yesterday was our final full day in Brownsville. We went to several natural areas and parks and added 6 new birds to our life list. We are not extreme birders, but when the iron is hot, so to speak, we strike! Two I'm most excited about are the Green Parakeet and the Red-Crowned Parrot. So now we are taking a late start but are getting ready to go up the Valley and turn for home. We'll probably stay in Johnson City tonight and motor the rest of the way tomorrow. I hope this give some of you a better view of yet another part of Texas.


Werna Gail said…
Just catching up with your blog,my girls have gone home so I have time
to play. Loved all of the pictures, glad you are having a fun
time. One of my favorite things to do is sit out on the porch real early in the morning and listen to the birds as they sing praise to God. Be safe and be BLESSED :-)
I loved the pictures, I felt right at home of course. Not far from where I live. connie from Texas
Susie said…
I love your pictures. Glad you were able to spot some new birds to add to your list.
Safe travels home.
someone else said…
Your photos in these last couple of posts have been just beautiful! I love the flowers.
Paula, the quilter said…
The photos of the hibiscus are great! Thanks.
Just Mom said…
Fantastic photos. I love "traveling" with you.
Gill said…
Beautiful pics Sioux!!!!
KaiBlue said…
those hibiscus are heavenly. Those statues seem very familiar..hold the thought and the duckies..
PEace, Kai xx
Unknown said…
Sioux, loved looking at all your pictures. Don and I don't have a life list of birds we just keep adding to the list as we see them.
Safe traveling.
Lovely pictures! That yellow flower is eye popping!
smilnsigh said…
It will be nice to get home too, though... I bet. :-)

Barbara said…
Just stopped by and caught up on your recent posts. Great pictures. We are having so much rain here in England that many parts are flooded.

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