BC (Turtle), Good Food, & Spring! and Stupidity!
Well, to begin with Turtle is a BC...BAD CAT! As you can see, I have proof!!
After being BAD, she exhausted herself, and went to sleep...
for a while, and then she woke up wondering what she could do next....eat one of my plants, knock things off a table, break glass...just the usual.

Redbuds are leafing out. We're hoping to plant some more in the back yard...native ones. These are oriental, and we are going to go with native plants from now on.
Don't know what this plant is, but it has blossoms. It's a native plant, and it grows all over our property. Nice fragrance, too.
OK, now for the stupidity. I fell again. I haven't fallen twice in two weeks in years, but I hurt all over. I don't think I did any real harm, but I'm going in the the doctor tomorrow. I am sooooo tired to these little medical crises!!!!! I don't know if I have no balance or what. I am walking 14 minutes now each day, but this is just stupid!!!
Now, I will leave you with something I read in my Lenten devotional today:

Now, I will leave you with something I read in my Lenten devotional today:
By faith we accept as real what we cannot prove nor see; we not only accept but we even rish our life and our eternity on the conviction that the purpose of our earthly life lies beyond the present form of our earthly existence. Faith consists in doing our best, and then surrendering this best that God may take it beyond our power and dreams.
--Carroll Stuhlmueller
--Carroll Stuhlmueller
Peace and light be unto you all.
Turtle is a GOOD cat. She is a darling!
I am glad that you posted some pictures of her! She loves to be the centre of attaction!...Love Terry
I think I have been to kincaids, Its been years and years since I was in Ft. Worth (my ex mother in law lives there). The name sounds familar. Love the photos you took. Sorry to hear you fell. I hope you aren't hurt.
Oh my you have so much green while we still experience snow and cold!Peace be to you.hugs NG
Turtle would get along great with Sir Surly! *Ha*
I had a glitch in my blogging journey. :o(