Leaves, Starving Artists, and Writing

4 6-8” kielbasa (about 2 lbs)
2 C sauerkraut
4 small apples (Jonathans are good), cored and sliced
1 large onion, quartered and sliced
Canola oil
Brown the kielbasa well in a little bit of canola oil. Remove from pan, add onion and cook until glazed. Add apples and cook until slightly browned. If you’re drinking beer or hard cider while cooking, you can add a little of that. Add kielbasa and kraut. Stir up well, cover and simmer for about 15 minutes. Serves six--or makes wonderful leftovers!
Try this. It is wonderful. I will be really good for a church covered dish dinner, too!
Toni Kelly also has a great soup recipe group on Facebook called Soup Night and Recipe Swap. It's getting to be Soup weather again, after all.
Yesterday my daughter, Carolyn, came over and asked for my beef stew recipe. I don't have a recipe! I told her sort of what I do, but, hey, I just do it as I feel it. You know?

I am looking out my studio window at the golden wisteria leaves with butterflies dancing all around. Decided to go out and take some photos...they don't do it justice. I am always amazed at our fall butterflies, and, of course, in Texas we have leaves that are still green, as well as those turning color. We have many colored leaves in Texas, and this fall, probably because of a wet year, the colors are riotous! Hey, if you haven't been down Texas Highway 4, you better do it soon and they state is going to impound it...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Well, that's all for today, folks. God bless you and yours.
Long time since my last visit.
Seems that you are doing better than ever.
I admire your studio and your leaf drawing. Very artistic.
I also admire that dove catching cat of yours.
The best our cat managed, was catching a magpie.
She seems well trimmed, with neautiful colors and real wild cat body.
One's got to admire her.
Have a good Texan week. I guess, I am a bit envious about your beautiful and warm scenery.
I've better got a put some more logs in our fireplace. There's a frosty night head of us.