Seibert News That's Fit to Print

Check out Raf's photo at the Rio Brazos Art Festival in Granbury, Texas.


KaiBlue said…
All the news that fit to!!
I would much rather read about your adventures and art then half the junk they slap on the front page of the newspapers today..
now i know someone else famous, THE SEIBERTS!!
PEace, Kai
Susie said…
Great to catch up with you! You've got your Alaskan cruise planned for next year?
I think we're doing Panama next time..
Naturegirl said…
The photos are excellant! Beachy dreams and chairy tree draw me in!
Great headlines..I did not know that you were a glitter sister! Will you be in AZ for the reunion..I plan on meeting up!hugs NG
smilnsigh said…
There is a photo?


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