Pay It Forward (PIF) gifts go out

I just received my PIF gift from Marie at Marie Chantal. Marie makes wonderful aroma therapy products. She sent me a beautiful lavender potpourri laced in a lovely lavender ribbon and Honey and Rose Lip Balm that feels sooooo good!
I have made several boucle flowers, two for friends and two for my PIF recipients Gemma and Michelle. These will be going out on Thursday, one to Arizona, one to Missouri, and two to Canada.
Finally, for any of you who enjoy seeing cats. Here is our Turtle. Talk about a boneless cat. Turtle is one!


Naturegirl said…
I love all this sharing and caring happening in the blog community!!
I learned how to make that lavender wand!! I must place an order with
Marie Chantel..her rose crm!!
Look at those original flowers!!
Happy day!! Oh I almost forgot I LoVe
how comfortable your kitty looks all stretched out!! hugs NG
Gill said…
That cat is wayyyy too relaxed. I think I'll join him, it's nearly my bedtime.
Hello Sioux! Hope you are doing well.
I just love, love love the kitty pic! And oh my am i feeling blessed! To be getting my goodie from you and another friend is sending me an issue of a British cross stich magazine. i am just really double excited now! huggles!
Kelli said…
I love the lavender pretty!
Your kitty looks very relaxed!! So cute!

Kelli said…
I love the lavender pretty!
Your kitty looks very relaxed!! So cute!

Robyn said…
Love that cat, Sioux. Wouldn't it be just wonderful to be able to bend and stretch like that. I can just hear all of the joints in my spin going crackle, crackle :-)
Anonymous said…
Hi Sioux,

I am so pleased that you received your gifts safely and that you like my lip balm and lavender wand. The wands were time-consuming to make until I worked out the best method for weaving the ribbon, but definitely worth the effort.

Marie x
smilnsigh said…
Awwww yes. A calico kitty. And don't they just seem totally boneless. I love it! Wish I could stretch like that.

Before getting out of bed in the morning, I try to stretchhhhhhhh, to loosen the ol' bones up. And I think of how a cat would. Well, of course, I can't do like a cat can. But, it's a good mind picture to encourage me. :-)

mrsnesbitt said…
Must be losing my marbles, thought I had left a comment...the cat piccie is awesome!
Anonymous said…
og my goodness i lovd your cat pic it is so rocking.
Pam Aries said…
Hi Sioux Sue! Turtle should be in Cirque D'Soleil! When I first glanced at that photo..I thought..What is that?!!! Haha! Your gifts are amazing!
Giggles said…
Hi Sioux

I'm with Pam that cat picture is so unique, I wondered what it was! Great name!! Excellent photo! Love the colors in your boucle flowers really pretty. Never seen one of those before!

Hope all is well, felt silly when I said thank you for the brochures when you actually sent wonderful magazines. The kids are excited, they have the Texas Bug!!! Pepper is in Grande Prairie Alberta on business! That will get her ready for a Texas trip. Independent little woman, she is setting up computers and fixing up a store

Hugs Sherrie
Dawn said…
Lovely gifts and funny kitty cat!!
Susie Q said…
I love all of this wonderful caring...
Marie does have such delicious things! : )

I wish I was as relaxed as your sweet kitty!!

J C said…
That cat is amazingly funny! xoxoxo

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