Skywatch Friday

In desperation
We cry out for needed rain
Lord, help our need now

(overcast skies in Texas do not mean rain) ~ Skywatch Friday


eileeninmd said…
Cool reflection capture! I hope you have some much needed rain. I wish I could send you some. Happy Skywatching!
Naturegirl said…
Well look who stopped by to see me at Nature Trail! Sue I am so pleased to see you which led me back to your blog!!
Spring does indeed give us new beginnings in many ways!
We have lots of water to come once all this snow melts in my world so I can send some over to you.
Look at those gorgeous blossoms on your tree! sigh.
Annie Jeffries said…
Like the gazing ball pic. Make a fun picture. Did the rain ever arrive?
Sue Seibert said…
No rain. Once again. We are in severe drought.
Hootin Anni said…
I so know what that's like. Down here, the skies are gray, gloomy, and continually overcast with no rain in sight!!!
My name is Riet said…
I hope you get your rain soon. We h ave had far too much this year. The weather is so strange everywhere. I love your photo,s
wonderful reflection shot of the sky!!

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