Tiny Pretty Thing (The Turtle) `` Haiku, Week 65

Tiny little cat
Curled into a pretty ball
Energy contained


Carole Burant said…
A wonderful Haiku...cats certainly are little balls of energy aren't they:-) I've just caught up with your latest posts...I've heard that even when retired, one gets even busier! lol xox
Regina said…
A lovely little hiaku for today! Is that your kitty? :)
Roswila said…
You have captured "catness." This particular cat looks just like one I had many years ago. (I named her Chaos for her mixed patterning, not her nature which was calm to the point of aloof. :-D)
Susie Q said…
I love the haiku...wonderful!

And that face is so precious. I have one cat that is a total ball of energy and one that is a furry foot stool. She would like to lay by my feet and sleep all day if she could!

Anonymous said…
Yes, waiting for the moment to spring! Very nice ;)
vicci said…
This cat is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!
Sherri B. said…
What a beautiful photo! Those green eyes are so striking...you captured the essence of a kitty cat perfectly.
Crafty Green Poet said…
Beautiful cat and your words are so true about the energy contained
A wildlife gardener said…
Fabulous cat, Turtle is! Really enjoyed the video with the kitty jumping on the paper as it came out! Thought your meme was really interesting too. That holiday in Alaska was fascinating as well. It's definitely time for a rest :)
Tumblewords: said…
Pretty Turtle and nifty haiku!
smilnsigh said…
Oh a calico. She is lovely. Reminds me of one of our kitties, a long time ago.

Greggo said…
GORGEOUS cat, and wonderful haiku! i love 'energy contained'. :-)
Naturegirl said…
Love your Haiku and the words so fitting for this fur angel with so much positive energy!! I have posted my beauties today! I love seeing cats on blogs!! hugs NG
spacedlaw said…
Your words match the photo perfectly: that cat seems ready to pounce, full of energy, at a moment notice.
Pearl said…
Deceiving isn't it? They look so innocent curled up and then kawowie off the walls in a feline rip. :)

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