First of all, to all my dear blogging friends, I have missed you, too, and I sure do appreciate you love and concern over the past two weeks. I am back, sort of. I found that I was spending so much time blogging...reading and writing...that I was not living much around here. So I took stock, and I am going to blog a couple of time a week...reading and writing. I love all of you, and I certainly appreciate your support. In the next couple of days, I will endeavor to tell you what I am doing, what I am planning, and where I am hoping to go from here. I a endeavoring to hear what God wants of me and to respond in kind.
Again, I love you all and I thank you. Oh, and Turtle is sitting here by my feet...exhausted for her day's acitivities as well.
Have a great Friday. Louise and I are going to Graham tomorrow. Maybe I'll get a photo or two to share with you.
Have a great day.
Drop into my blog on friendship greeting cards for some beautiful e-greeting cards and friendly tips.
Glad all is well with you, and I will keep checking with you from time to time. BE BLESSED
I was working or I would have heard it sooner because I click on to your site two or three timea a day!
I know how you are feeling. Sometimes I get on the computer so much that I have neglected other things too and I feel so bad because there are so many on my favorite links that I have been unable to get to!
I am glad that Turtle is doing good!!
As she is sitting at your feet, pick her up and give her a little hug for me!
God continue to bless you Sioux..Love Terry
Oh, did the heart ever make its way to you? I mailed it a little over a couple of weeks ago.
I am glad you are ok. take care