The Winds of Restoration are Blowing All Around

"God abides in those who confess that Jesus is the Son of God."

I believe in knowing the enemy, especially if this enemy is The Enemy, Satan! And I believe in knowing him well. That's why today when I turned of Fresh Air, the NPR program on KUT in Austin, Texas, that I often listen to as I paint or sew, I continued to listen to the filth that came from the mouth of the person who claims to be the rightful presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church, Katharine Jefferts Schori, or as we so un-loving call her, Kitty. She was speaking about the harsh treatment several of the American dioceses have used "against" the homosexual community. She was stating the our diocese, Fort Worth, along with San Joaquin, Pittsburgh, and Quincy, are the only people in the whole of the Anglican Communion who have a problem with avowed homosexuals being ordained as priests or being married in the church. She said the rest of the world, including Africa and South America, are too worried about feeding and clothing their people to care one way or the other about homosexuality. And, as always when she speaks, the truth is nowhere to be found.

It is the very African and South American dioceses who are standing with our 4 dioceses in our fight against The Enemy. Many, many years ago we sent missionaries to those places, and, do you know what? They believed what we told them...and they still do, to this day! Yes, they are concerned with food, clothing, and health, but they are more concerned about the spiritual health of their and our people.

Kitty then went on to explain that the biblical account of creation was no more important that that of scientists, and that she learned to be a priest(ess) by first learning to be a scientist.

Our Fort Worth Diocese will meet in convention on November 14-15, and we will, at that time, vote, as will have the other dioceses before us, to leave The Episcopal Church and become a diocese of the Southern Cone (South America) until which time we can form an orthodox province of North America with other orthodox churches for all North American countries.

To this end our bishop has asked us to pray the 40 days prior to convention for disernment, and we, in our parish, St. Luke's Mineral Wells, have taken that quite seriously and are devoting two days each week to this undertaking, as well as individual prayer and fasting.

Some of our younger priests have put up a blog called What's Really Going on in Fort Worth, for anyone who would like to read their thoughts and comments.

May God's will be done!


I have a friend who attends the episcopal church. Their Bishop was defrocked for speaking out against some of the things happening in that denomination. So sad that someone who wants a Holy, pure church teaching the word of God should be treated that way!
Annie Jeffries said…
You four keep on swinging, Sue. This post was really interesting. I'm going to send it to Fr. Dwight at I think he will enjoy seeing this. Hugs, Annie

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