Getting My Grove Back

Well, it has been over 10 weeks since surgery. Interestingly, senses have slowly begun to come back, and finally I am able to read, quite quickly, and I am beginning to draw again, quite slowly. Since our oldest granddaughter, Dani', is about to turn 17, I decided to "tangle" a card for her. This was not very creative and slow going, but, as my daddy, John McBee Ficke, used to say, "One day at a time."
Yesterday we went to Fort Worth...the longest trip we have made since either of our surgeries. We left after lunch. We went to the liquor store (not one in our little burg) and to the health food store (ours is too expensive and does NOT carry Raf's special vitamins without vitamin K). Then we went to Michael's for gold leaf for a picture frame Raf is making with a photo he shot for a wedding gift. Then we stopped by a very small park (our Secret Garden) near TCU for some drawing and photographing and on to Barnes and Noble for books. Next we ate at our favorite Fort Worth restaurant, Lili's Bistro on Magnolia, and finally ended the day buying meat, bread, etc. at Central Market. We were (are) exhausted, but it was a spectacular, wonderful, restful day...after so much "cabin fever" of Mineral Wells!

So, God willin' and the crick don't rise, I am going to endeavor to post each day. My goal is a post each day until December then I hope it will be a habit.
I am also going to do the NANOWRIMO in November and get a second novel underway. We are still looking for a literary agent for the first, Back to the Brazos. If you know someone who is reputable and works with the mystery genre, let me know! I have finished the pictorial history called Mineral Wells for Arcadia Publishing, and Raf and I hope to do one on Palo Pinto County next year. And one on little known ghost towns of Texas. I have three speaking engagements lined up starting next week, also. AND Raf has his new CD out, Used Cows, which can be purchased online at CD Baby. It is also on Amazon and iTunes. So, we are being somewhat productive!

Until tomorrow...God bless you all and be sure to VOTE!!!
I am also going to do the NANOWRIMO in November and get a second novel underway. We are still looking for a literary agent for the first, Back to the Brazos. If you know someone who is reputable and works with the mystery genre, let me know! I have finished the pictorial history called Mineral Wells for Arcadia Publishing, and Raf and I hope to do one on Palo Pinto County next year. And one on little known ghost towns of Texas. I have three speaking engagements lined up starting next week, also. AND Raf has his new CD out, Used Cows, which can be purchased online at CD Baby. It is also on Amazon and iTunes. So, we are being somewhat productive!

Until tomorrow...God bless you all and be sure to VOTE!!!
I hope you do get up there next year. Our son will be staying there, so hopefully we'll have many trips ahead - and that the price of fares will go down!
I'm actually reassured to read that your recoveries have taken so long. I have not known what to make of Don's journey back to health and this is clearly because I have not walked in his (or your) shoes.
That you are just now feeling creative and productive again is another clue to understanding Don's quietude. I thank you for the insight.
I started to read Bishop Ackerman's interview but I must admit, I stopped about half way through. I was having a hard time understanding who the traditionalist, and fundamentalists, and TEC, and Anglicans were and how they related or broke from each other. I've been wondering what has happened within your parish and/or diocese since the door opened for an Anglican rite in Rome. Will you please let me know what is happening?
Warm wishes on your continuing return to good health and thank you so much for checking in about Don.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and entering my giveaway.
But now I can be real glad that you both are on the rebound. Your agenda would tire me although I am in relatively good health. (I am a few years older than RAF and will be another year still on Saturday).
Happy Birthday to Dani! Your drawings look very pretty to me, a drawer of stick people. Of course I don't draw, sing, paint, or even write except that I know where all the keys are located on the keyboard, even blindfolded.
Welcome Back!