Beginning a journey
I'm really not sure I know why I have titled my post in this way, but
I feel this year I am beginning a journey. I know this isn't January
1, but rather is is January 26. However, a journey, either physical or
spiritual, can begin at any point...and here is where I am beginning.
have no idea if I will keep up this journey or be sidetracked down some
gravel road. Or I may just stop altogether or back up, turn around,
and go the way I came. I have no idea.
My daddy have a favorite phrase, "One day at a time", and I hope I always live my life in that vein. Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow isn't here yet, so today is all we can work on - one day at a time.
Recently on Facebook, to which I am a constant contributor and of which I am a continual reader, I spotted a quote that really puts into perspective what I am talking about.
"There comes a time in life when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. You forget the bad and focus on the good. You love the people who treat you right, and you pray for the ones who don't."
To that I would add that it doesn't matter whether it's friend or family who create the drama, you simply have to back away - love them, but back away.
Also, those people who make you laugh may not always make you laugh, but you know they are there for love and support. And most of all, although you should love everyone, there are people who get on your very last nerve, who seem to enjoy watching others suffer, who try to boss or pry or endeavor to have you do things that are wrong - at least wrong for you. Those people you must love from a distance and you must pray for them.
Prayer is a big part of my life, and I hope that I can devote more to my prayer and devotional life.
My friend Annie, who just visited us recently, shared the Catholic Women's Devotional Bible with me, so I ordered one and I am going to endeavor to read, each day, the devotional printed plus the Bible chapters in between - beginning with Genesis. I know I have read the Bible before, but I am going to do this in a more ordered, but more devoted, way.
And peace - I think I seek peace more than anything, other than patience. With my ADHD tendencies, peace is a commodity I don't always possess, but I know with God's help I can find more of it.
And quiet - I need time for contemplation - time for me. Time for Raf and me together.
Now you probably will say, but, Sue, you're retired, you have all the time in the world. And I would have to say, I have time, but I spend it poorly. I am going to endeavor to spend it more wisely. When I am tired, I am going to say no and mean it. I am going to back away from those things that are not so important me my life, or to Raf's.
So, please wish me luck as I go, once again, on a journey. I want to do what I want to do and what God wants me to do, and I am going to try to not allow others to dictate what this journey will be. Please pray for me, a sinner.

My daddy have a favorite phrase, "One day at a time", and I hope I always live my life in that vein. Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow isn't here yet, so today is all we can work on - one day at a time.
Recently on Facebook, to which I am a constant contributor and of which I am a continual reader, I spotted a quote that really puts into perspective what I am talking about.
"There comes a time in life when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. You forget the bad and focus on the good. You love the people who treat you right, and you pray for the ones who don't."
To that I would add that it doesn't matter whether it's friend or family who create the drama, you simply have to back away - love them, but back away.
Also, those people who make you laugh may not always make you laugh, but you know they are there for love and support. And most of all, although you should love everyone, there are people who get on your very last nerve, who seem to enjoy watching others suffer, who try to boss or pry or endeavor to have you do things that are wrong - at least wrong for you. Those people you must love from a distance and you must pray for them.
Prayer is a big part of my life, and I hope that I can devote more to my prayer and devotional life.
My friend Annie, who just visited us recently, shared the Catholic Women's Devotional Bible with me, so I ordered one and I am going to endeavor to read, each day, the devotional printed plus the Bible chapters in between - beginning with Genesis. I know I have read the Bible before, but I am going to do this in a more ordered, but more devoted, way.
And peace - I think I seek peace more than anything, other than patience. With my ADHD tendencies, peace is a commodity I don't always possess, but I know with God's help I can find more of it.
And quiet - I need time for contemplation - time for me. Time for Raf and me together.
Now you probably will say, but, Sue, you're retired, you have all the time in the world. And I would have to say, I have time, but I spend it poorly. I am going to endeavor to spend it more wisely. When I am tired, I am going to say no and mean it. I am going to back away from those things that are not so important me my life, or to Raf's.
So, please wish me luck as I go, once again, on a journey. I want to do what I want to do and what God wants me to do, and I am going to try to not allow others to dictate what this journey will be. Please pray for me, a sinner.