Sunday at Home
It's too slick to get out today and go to church. I have my new Catholic Women's Devotional Bible which I have just read from. I began last week, and I am finding it a great way to read through the Bible while reading some inspiring devotionals, as well.
Right now we are having what appears to be the beginning of an ice storm. I am just praying we don't loose power and that no one is injured. The temperature is hanging at about 31˚F, and ice is forming on all the trees, the house, and the power lines.
We got the bird feeders ready for the storm, and we've had our many cardinals, red-bellied woodpeckers, white winged doves, titmice, chickadees, wrens, downy woodpecker, and many, many goldfinches - plus others, as well. As our dripper is not working, we filled the bird baths with water - which is frozen, and they appear to be eating the ice pellets.
As it appears Phil saw his shadow, folks are lamenting the next six weeks of Winter. I shared this photo on Facebook, and a friend replied that six more weeks is six more weeks until Spring, no matter how you look at it! Which, of course, is true.
So, as I am making Christmas gifts, I guess I will get back to it.
Hope everyone is having a good February 2!